Thursday, November 13, 2008

Give Thanks To The Lord

This week we began our Thanksgiving study with "Give Thanks To The Lord." A book Luke loved reading over and over again. He enjoyed counting the many "Sarah Dogs" throughout the book. He pointed out that the illistrations had to been done with pencil because they had so much detail. It hit me at that moment, WOW he really is learning! We discovered many new vocabulary words and just enjoyed our cuddle time together reading and laughing. Our Bible lesson was on my favorite verse, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine..." I think this lesson was for me more than for him. My Mom had some test ran this week and we are still awaiting the results and I need to remember this verse! We continued our RME and MUS lessons for reading and math and he is catching on quickly. It was a fast blurry week with lots of running around for others and just spending time together. There were no fits or tears, and for this I have a merry heart!

Monday, November 3, 2008

November 3-7, 2008

We are going back to FIAR this week. We will row "Another Celebrated Dancing Bear" by Gladys Scheffrin-Faulk. For social studies we will learn about Russia, the culture, the onion domes, and the circus, of course. We will also have a lesson on friendship and discuss what it means to be a good friend. During language arts we will discover new vocabulary from our story; occupation, czar, elegant, glum, samovar, magnificent, jealous, audience, marvelous, pyramid, comical. We will dramatize the following words and phrases from the story; applauded, bowed, beamed, drew near, giggling, chattering, mopping his brow, kicking during dancing, and leaping. Our art lesson will b eon etching and warm colors. During math this week we will continue addition with MUS and revisit the theme of time. (seconds to minuets to hours to days to weeks to months to years) Our Bible lesson this week will be about David and Johnathan. This will allow us to reiterate the theme of friendship. We will do an experiment about freezing and boiling points for our science exploration. We will also continue our reading lessons with RME.

Books We Will Read This Week:

How the Tzar Drinks His Tea by Benjamin Elkin

Count your way through Russia by James Haskins
The magic nesting doll by Jaqueline K Ogburn
The etcher's studio by Arthur Geisert
Russian girl : life in an old Russian town by Russ Kendall
Berlioz the bear by Jan Brett
The mission of addition by Brian P Cleary
Ninjas don't bake pumpkin pies by Debbie Dadey