Sunday, September 20, 2009

The First Week Of Fall!

It is here! Fall, Autumn, my favorite time of the year! I am so excited to have Janie Claire Lambert's fall nature study to remind me of all the wonders God gives us during this time. To kick off this theme of fall and the beginning of the season of Thanksgiving Luke and I will be rowing, "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein. This is a study put together by It is a classic story about a boy and his tree that gives to him throughout the years.

For the Bible lessons this week we will we will study the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. We will discuss the fruits and what they mean to a Christian life. The fruits are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. I look forward to sharing and learning about the attributes with Luke.

During our social studies lessons we will discuss the many emotions felt during the stages of the boys life and times when we have felt these same emotions. I will record a dictated a story entitled, Happiness Is" for Luke. I can not wait to see what he comes up with. We will also discover what states apples are grown in as well as which 2 produce the most apples. We will map these on a Untitled States map.

We will begin our nature study for science this week on tree's. We will begin a notebook and document one of the tree's in our yard throughout the seasons. We will learn and create a book on the many useful ways tree's help us. We also learn the parts of a tree paint and diagram these. We will take a nature walk and observe the many different trees that are right around us.

During language arts we will review the short 'a' sound and I will have Luke CLAP every time he hears that sound while reading out story. We will also practice the writing of the capital and lower case A. We will make a list of the many uses of threes and of apples.

For art we will draw a tree in our nature journals and try to use the techniques used in this story. We will also gather leaves to laminate and make place mats to decorate our fall table.

For math we will continue to learn our 9 addition facts and do a comprehensive review of all the lessons up to this point.

For handwriting we will keep learning the appropriate technique for all the magic 'C' letters.

I am extremely excited about this weeks study of tree's and giving. All the lessons will essentially point back to God and His awesome design, order, and incredible creation. This tree study will lead us right into next week for our leaf study! The week after that we will do a study on apples. I am sure there will be many pictures to follow! AMEN!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

For the next 2 weeks....

We are dooing a unit study on the Solar Syatem compliments of It is amazing to me the vastness of our Creator! The organization and order give testimony to His power and resound to me that He and He alone is worthy of our praise.

Pics from "Who Owns The Sun"