Saturday, May 30, 2009

I smell Summer!!

Here it is May 30, 2009! Where in the world did the year go!!? Lots has happened since my last post and much I want to share. I will start with my sweet BIG boy graduating from K5! What a bitter sweet day of emotion and pride!! I so loved the opportunity of being the one who handed him his diploma of completion! My heart was so full as I watched Luke march down the center isle beaming with pride as he took his special certificate. He looked so grown in his royal blue cap and gown. I know it will seem like I blink my eyes and he will be graduating high school. God is teaching me to slow down and enjoy the moment I am in. So many have given the advice to "enjoy it, they grow up fast", and I am learning how true that is! Luke already wants to start 1st grade due to the pride the completion of K5 instilled in him. The best part is he still wants me to be his teacher and that he never EVER wants to go to "big school". He is excited now too at the prospect of a Summer break!

We kicked off the Summer with a BIG trip to Florida. Where we spent 3 days in Orlando and 6 In Madeira Beach on the Gulf coast. It was an awesome fun filled 3 days in Orlando where we visited Disney's Hollywood studios and The Magic Kingdom. On the day we headed toward the beach we spent the morning shopping and riding the monorail loop through the resorts and Epcot loop, up front! That was a fun adventure for us all. We got to watch a young man from Coastal Carolina train to drive the monorail under a 9 year veteran total Disney Geek! LOVED him!! We drove to the condo at Madeira in silence, as Luke slept off all the excitement and labor from the previous 2 days. We arrived at the condo, got settled, and had a relaxing evening. The next day was a Sunday and it was an awesome day on the beach complete with bright blue skies, beautiful white clouds, and sea birds playing and fishing away. This was the last sunny day at the beach. But, we had a wonderful time relaxing and playing in the condo to the rain on Monday. On Tuesday we went to Tampa's The Lowry Park Zoo and enjoyed marveling at God's amazing creation. The rest of the week we spent playing and getting on the beach as we could and only seeing 1 half way decent sunset. By Friday as the rain set in we were all ready to pack it up and head home, so that is exactly what we did. We drove until around 10 pm got a room in Valdosta, Georgia and drove the rest of the way home the next day. We were all glad to get here and the animals were glad we were here too. I still do not think BIG FAT WILLA has recovered yet!! She has demanded more lap time this week than ever in he life. I have been glad to oblige too!

Now we look forward to the rest of our Summer break. With many fun things in the works. We will do VBS, free movies, library activities, back yard camping, Summer reading programs, start a nature journal, and swim, swim, swim! (both here and at the Y). The plan is to start 1st grade on July 13, 2009! I hope and pray Luke will be as enthusiastic about it then as he was the last day of K5!! Until then we will busy doing the Summer thing!! YAY!!