Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A New Year..........

Here we are it is January 2010! I can not believe that a new decade has begun. Seems like only yesterday we were preparing for Y2K! My family has encountered many trials in the past year and especially since my last post. I will post a poem later that explains it all. Pretty much in a nut shell My Mom had open heart surgery in Oct. and is now doing wonderful! It took several hospitals and ambulance rides to find the problem, but God was right on time. AMEN!

Luke and I have a tough year staying on track with all the distractions. But, all in all we have stayed the course and he is learning so much. Math and Science are still his strong suites while reading continues to be a struggle. He is finally getting it though! Praise the Lord. Many a tear has been shed over this subject and yes even an email sent to a local Christian school. :( The Lord however still is leading in the homeschooling direction. So, we are pressing on.

This week we are doing a creation based unit study from It has been so exciting for both Luke & me. I am learning so much that I was taught to be fact as a child was totally wrong. It amazes me how the school systems refuse to teach all aspects as possibilities and teach a falsehood as complete truth! Anyway here are some of the activities we have done and will be doing in this study.

The books I am using are;
The Bible,
"What Really Happened To The Dinosaurs" by John Morris and Ken Hamm,
"The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible" by Paul S. Taylor,
"Dinosaurs by Design" by Duane T. Gish.
I purchased these off at really good prices.

Subjects and what we have learned:
Creation study, and discussed what day the dinosaurs were created
The Behemoth in Job 40: 15-24, Luke took the description and drew a picture of what he may have looked like.
The Fall: Read in Genesis 3, discussed sin and the consequences of sin= separation from God
The Great Flood: Read Genesis 5-8
After The Flood: Genesis 9 "What might have happened to the dinosaurs?"

Animal Classification: Reptiles, discussed the similarities of the Dino's tot he reptiles we know today. Discussed the characteristics of a reptile
Defined Paleontology and Paleontologist: created a small bone yard with a 3D Dino puzzle that Luke had to find and put together.
Discovered the different kinds of dinosaurs and their characteristics. Created a "My Dinosaur Book" filled with the names and pictures of many different kinds of Dino's.
Dinosaur Diets: meat or plant eaters, still some controversy
What are Fossils?
What is Extinction and endangered?
Dinosaur Eggs

Social Studies Components
Dinosaur Time Line
What have Dino bones been found, and what types have been found there.
Review the 7 continents

Language Arts
Tons of new vocabulary and writing all the new words for handwriting practice.
Adjectives and using them to describe the dinosaurs

Just for fun:
Treasure hunts each morning for reading
Make a paper mache' Dino egg
Create fossil prints
Create a Dino diorama
Play a Dino memory game
We will also be watching some Buddy Davis video's about all the dinosaurs ets. They are very clever!

Dino wrap up: We pray that on Sat. we will make it to Orlando with all healthy and to eat at the T-Rex cafe where there are life sized dinosaurs all around, metor showers, and a bone yard to dig for Dino bones! We also hope to visit the Dino dig at Disney's animal kingdom to see real Dino bones, fossils, and dig up even more Dino bones. Oh and of course ride the DINOSAUR ride. Luke said, "Don't worry I know when to close my eyes!"

For math we have continues mastering the addition facts and will move onto subtraction after Disney.
This has been a fun study with tons more activities than we can fit in. I am sure we will be visiting this subject again and again. And again I say what an AMAZING creator!!
Still loving this journey God has called me to called Homeschooling!